Lauren Maxwell Photography

wherever you go, go with all your heart. ~ confucius

Category: Landscapes


Boston Harbor

I spent the last week of April in Massachusetts, helping my art teacher with art workshops and the MASS Hope convention. Unfortunately, I was only able to spend one evening in Boston, and the light was going quickly, so I only got a few good pictures.

Boston was amazing. I don’t believe I’ve ever fallen in love with a city quite so quickly. I’m pretty much moving there in a few years.


Wow, it’s been a long time. I got lazy….

I have SO many photos to post. Some dating all the way back to November. Hopefully I’ll have lots more posts up in the next few weeks.

So. Since I last posted I started an online photography class. I LOVE it! I’m learning so much from it. I can’t take a picture anymore without thinking about leading lines and C-Curves and asking my self “What is this shot actually about?”

Oh, and I conquered motion blur. (FINALLY!!)

 Ooh! Isn’t this picture gorgeous? It’s SOOC, but I still really like it. (Should I mention the fact that this was taken last October?)

Was a long and dark December…

Minor Park